Did you know the benefits of natural play goes beyond imagination skills? While it may keep your child happy and focused for a while, it is also fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they create a narrative independently. Or, if they’re playing in a group, open-ended play, as created by natural play, develops self-regulation and language skills. It also starts the life-long lesson that other people have different perspectives and ways of doing things, all of which are valid. To read more about the benefits of imaginative play, click here.
So what actually is natural play?
Natural play is any type of imaginative and/or outdoor play that doesn’t include screens. It is characterised by its open-ended nature, lack of rules, and incorporation of eco-friendly and sustainable toys. For example, natural play could be a trip to the beach or a tea party with dolls.
The big focus on natural play incorporating time outside is because, like with every person, spending quality time in the environment benefits our mental and physical health. As there have been findings that each new generation is spending less time outside than the generation before, natural play is even more important to foster now, keeping our children and grandchildren off of screens and letting them learn and grow as we were made to: through nature.
Here are some ideas how:

- Sustainable Toys
Encompassing everything from cloth dolls to wooden puzzles, there are sustainable toys available for every age and development stage. They’re also great for indoor or outdoor play, being able to fit any space and adapt to circumstances (like weather) that may impact other plans.
Plus, sustainable and eco-friendly toys are not only good for our planet, they’re safe for our children, keeping them away from dangerous toxins that can be found in some plastic toys. To read more about which toys are safe, click here.
Here at Toy World and Toy Kingdom, we have a huge range of safe, inclusive wooden toys that you can check out by clicking here. Or, if you still need some inspiration, click here to read about the best sustainable and eco-friendly toy options.
- Group Play
The best way to not use screens is to have other distractions, and what is a better distraction than a friend?! Whether this group play is between two children, ten children, indoors or outdoors, group play is a great way to keep children entertained while they subconsciously learn. This could be through big games of imagination, board games and puzzles (which you can buy here), or physical activities like a bike ride. And, let’s be honest, any parent will love you for helping entertain their child for a few hours, especially without a screen, most likely leaving them to return the favour down the line. Group play really is a win-win situation for all!

- Arts and Craft
Arts and craft is a favourite form of natural play for many. Why? Because it’s so versatile! Every child of age and ability is able to find a craft that they love, the independent and collaborative play options are limitless, AND you’re engaging both imagination skills and fine motor skills.
Arts and craft is also a great way to teach children about the importance of taking care of our environment, and the risks of overconsumption. For example, our eco-friendly paper making kit teaches children how to recycle old paper to make something new, and it includes a feature for paper mache, which is a whole other form of fun to partake in together. Click here to check out our other arts and crafts options.
To incorporate the outdoors more, you could find projects that seek things from nature, or even engage in the classic chalk-on-concrete combo that we all know and love. Science experiments are also a really cool form of arts and craft that can be tailored to any age. Just check out our collection of science experiments here!
- Outdoor Exploration
Most of the time, you have everything you need for natural play right at your fingertips. Have a yard? Take a backyard adventure! Have a nearby park or beach? Looks like a fun trip the whole family can enjoy!
Wherever you immerse yourself in nature, you can create a natural scavenger hunt to further the excitement. Consider adding things like bugs, special coloured leaves, and flowers for your child to look for.
Click here to check out our outdoor toy collection and get some more outdoor activity inspiration!
Another option with outdoor natural play is to do nothing. With natural play and imagination, less is more, so you don’t have to try and facilitate ways for your child to have fun outside every time. Give children the opportunity to independently play with just the outdoor area around them, such as cloud watching, stick hunting, or taking a moment to listen and try to identify the sounds they can hear when they’re quiet. This helps them gain a deeper understanding of the world around them as well as strengthening their confidence in independent play.

Here at Toyworld and Toy Kingdom, we are committed to giving you quality, safe toy options for natural play. Shop online 24/7 to see our extensive selection today!