We're full steam ahead into the festive season, where time speeds up, the ‘to-do’ lists feel endless, and we find ourselves staring at walls or pages of toys wondering what in the world the children in our lives may like.
And it’s not that we don’t love giving our children presents, right? No, seeing their faces light up is one of the most fulfilling feelings. Giving is never the problem. Getting the gifts is.
On one hand, you don’t know what they may want when you have thousands of options presented to you. (Anyone else already feeling the decision fatigue creeping in?!)
On the other hand, clutter is real, especially when children are accumulation machines. Leaving your cluttered space just to get more things to fill it with can feel sickening, and the overwhelm of others gifting even more stuff can make you want to bury your head in the overflowing toy chest.
But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to get to that point. We have some great tools and tricks to help you buy great gifts, but first we need to start with what you already have.

- Clutter Clean Out
Before you even start thinking about buying gifts for your children or others, you need to grab your family, set a few hours aside, and teach (or remind) your children about how some people don’t get gifts to wake up to during the holidays, or even their birthdays.
Let them know the cost of gifts, both financially and ethically. Tell them about the importance of buying sustainable and fair trade products, because even though they get to go to school and play with their friends, a lot of children don't have that opportunity.
Remind them that you are all in a privileged position to receive, and in some ways, expect, a little gift during the holidays. Teach them that this privilege comes with an innate responsibility, and while some children’s parents may not be able to buy them gifts this coming holiday season, your kids can donate some of their own toys, especially if they’re about to get one or two new ones.
Then get decluttering.
Sort everything you don’t need, or want to give, into three bins labelled ‘throw’, ‘donate’ and ‘sell’. Whatever the age of your children, find a way to include them, whether that’s getting them to see your thought process and own donations, or incentivising them to sell some of their own things or do some extra tasks to buy new gifts for others in your community that may not be able to get their own.
Not only does this create more space before the onset of holiday gifts and hosting duties, this is a gift in itself for your children, instilling a deeper sense of awareness and empathy in a way they can comprehend – toys!
For a more comprehensive guide on decluttering, click here.

- Deepen Relationships
Another great trick for buying great gifts is to see it as an opportunity to get to know the little ones in your life more. Try and find goals that support their interests and/or goals, and reinforce their love languages to ensure they are feeling the love you’re giving to the best effect! (Pssst, if you didn’t know, children give and receive love in different ways to the usual love languages, so click here to get a run-down on how children express and accept love based on their love language!)
Including your children here would also be an amazing learning experience, helping them see the thought that goes behind gift giving, how money and budgeting works, and take time to reflect on their own relationships with others in your life.
Together, you could follow these steps to buy the perfect gift for someone together:
- Does this person have any hobbies or interests?
- What kinds of activities do they generally like?
- Would they like money or a gift voucher?
- Is there something you would like to do together with them?
These tricks and questions are tailored towards older children, so below we’ve added a list of gifts we recommend based on age range to inspire gifts for even the smallest of your young ones.

Early Years Ride-Ons
- Radio Flyer Grow Cart
This ride-on car features a telescoping frame that expands as your child grows, with two speed settings (1.5 MPH & 3 MPH) and single-speed reverse. Designed with rear grip tread wheels and a parent-controlled speed switch for safe, exciting play.
Click here to view the Radio Flyer Grow Cart.

- Kinderfeet Tiny Tot Plus
Is your little one eager to start exploring the world on wheels? The Kinderfeets Tiny Tot PLUS 2-in-1 Bike is a larger version of the favoured Tiny Tot 2-in-1 Bike - a vehicle that doubles as both a tricycle and a balance bike when children are ready.
Click here to view the Kinderfeet Tiny Tot Plus.

- Try Bike
Trybike Steel is an adjustable balance bike that can be converted from a tricycle into a bicycle. With the same benefits as the Trybike Wood, making learning to walk and ride easy.
Click here to view the Radio Flyer Grow Cart.

Infants & Toddlers
- Connetix Roads and Transport Set
This pack features an exciting range of magnetic tile shapes, including arches, intersections, quarter circles, plus long and short ramps! The sleek black shade tile is perfect for building road inspired designs from raceways, to airports, skateparks, cities and more!
Click here to view the Connetix Roads and Transport Set.

- Hape Explore & Learn Magic Cube
Featuring five playful music modes and themed activities, it’s designed to entertain and stimulate little minds. Kids can explore turning gears and cogs, a mini pinball game, bead maze, shape matching, ball run tracks, and much more! The activities will even keep your little ones engaged and amused as they grow into toddlers!
Click here to view the Hape Explore And Learn Magic Cube.

Boys 3-6
- Stanley Whipper Snipper
Let your little gardener give the yard a sprucing up using our Stanley Jr. Weed Trimmer. With rotating plastic in place of the blades this toy is completely safe, no risk of danger for your kid or the grass. Safely help nurture their imagination and their passions.
Click here to view the Stanley Whipper Snipper.

- John Deere Leaf Bubble Blower
Help around the yard with your very own bubble leaf blower! Blow a continuous stream of non-stop bubbles without losing your breath.
Click here to view the John Deere Leaf Bubble Blower.

Boys 6+
- Revolt Orbiter Stunt Sphere
ORBITZ Stunt Sphere is great fun for one or more players. Perform tricks and stunts. Give ORBITZ Stunt Sphere a shake to turn it on and let the fun begin.
Click here to view the Revolt Orbiter Stunt Sphere.

Girls 3-6 yrs
- VTech Bluey Game Time Laptop
Join Bluey and Bingo for endless learning fun with the Bluey Game Time Laptop by VTech! Explore 10 interactive games across 5 modes covering letters, numbers, and problem-solving. Kids can help Bluey block rain, dance, and add sounds to music, all on a back-lit LCD screen with real character voices, a QWERTY keyboard, and a click-tick trackpad—perfect for fun-filled learning!
Click here to view the VTech Bluey Game Time Laptop.

Girls 6+
- F.A.O. Schwarz Designer Fashion Plates Set
Provides the tools to design and create unique fashion pieces. Use the included plates, coloured pencils, and paper to draw and assemble outfits and accessories of various sizes. Suitable for expressing creativity.
Click here to view the F.A.O. Schwarz Designer Fashion Plates Set.

- Sylvanian Families Secret Forest Falls
The Secret Forest is full of thrilling and exciting things to see and do—a big waterfall to raft down, a castle with hidden treasure, a tree house, an adventure boat and more!
Click here to view the Sylvanian Families Secret Forest Falls.

Big Kids
- Discovery Kids 2-in-1 Globe Light
The Discovery Kids 2-in-1 Globe Light features a fully detailed world globe with geographic and political boundaries and natural features, such as lakes and rivers.
Click here to view the Discovery Kids 2-in-1 Globe Light.

- Tamagotchi Original Virtual Reality Pet
Experience a blast from the past with the Tamagotchi 90s, a faithful revival of the iconic 1997 digital pet.
Click here to view the Tamagotchi Original Virtual Reality Pet.

- Djeco Secret Garden Music Box
The secret garden is a pretty music box with one large and one small drawer for storing jewellery and special treasures. It also has two ring holders and four golden hooks for hanging necklaces and bracelets.
Click here to view the Djeco Secret Garden Music Box.

Good luck gift giving, and happy festive season - may it be more FUN than stressful!